Author Guidelines

Kanz Philosophia dedicates its publication to the critical assesement and review of books, which may include review articles and shorter notes as well as normal-length reviews. Contributors to the Journal Kanz Philosophia should take the following guidelines :

  1. Articles should be an original research and should not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication not either contain elements of plagiarism.
  1. Articles could be a viewpoint, research resume, book review or part of dissertation with major modification and adjustment. Articles can be written inBahasa Indonesia or English for 15-25 pages including references and tables (if any). It should be typed in A4 paper with the top and left margins 4 cm, bottom and right margins  3 cm using Cambria font type, with the font size 11 and 1
  1. The article should have maximum 200 words of abstract in Bahasa and English, consists of 3-5 words each,  using of Cambria with font size is 10 in single space.
  2. The body of articles consist of : Title (English), Full Name of the Author, Affiliation, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Description, Conclusion, Bibliography, and Short resume of author and contact detail (correspondence address).
  3. The INTRODUCTION contains background of the problem; hypothesis (if any); the purposes of research; introductory refer to some literature which is the basis or reason for the study; also includes front line of current knowledge.
  4. In the CONCLUSION it is advised to mention the recommendation or suggestion.
  5. References do not use footnotes. All reference citations are included in the body text following the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) Author Date format.
  6. All received articles will be evaluated by specialist referees. Elected articles will be returned to the writers with the reviewer comments along with the decision regarding their publication. The article submitted would not be returned, whether it is accepted for publication or not.
  7. The literature listed in the Bibliography is referenced literature and cited in scientific papers; Bibliography is written in single-spaced, sequentially in alphabetical order without number.
  8. Kanz Philosophia follows the Chicago Manual of Style Author-Date (17th ed. or later) for citations, bibliography and general style guidelines.
  9. The article does not use footnotes. 
  10. Article must use journal templates.
  11. Articles recommended using applications such as Mendeley and Zotero to facilitate writing references.
  12. Articles submitted must follow the transliteration format used by Kanz Philosophia. Authors can refer to the following transliteration guidelines .

Examples :


One Author

In Text:

(Seacole 1988, 51)

Reference List:

Seacole, Mary. 1988. Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands. New  York: Oxford University Press

Book with Two Authors

In Text:

(Fysh and Wolfreys 1998, 21)

Reference List:

Fysh, Peter, and Jim Wolfreys. 1998. The Politics of Racism in France. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Book with Three Authors

In Text:

(Bagnall, Cribiore, and Ahtaridis 2006, 68)

Reference List:

Bagnall, Roger S., Raffaella Cribiore, and Evie Ahtaridis. 2006. Women’s Letters from Ancient Egypt, 300 BC-AD 800. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

For four or more authors, list all of the authors in the bibliography; in the note, list only the first author, followed by et al. (“and others”) for English manuscripts and et al. (and friends) for Indonesian language manuscripts.

Book with Four or More Authors

In Text:

(Howling et al. 1993, 83)

Reference List:

Howling, Phyllis T, John S. Wodarski, P. David Kurtz, and James Martin Gaudin, Jr. 1993. Maltreatment and the School-age Child: Developmental Outcomes and System Issues. New York: Haworth Press.

Translator or Editor for an Authored Book

In Text:

(Allende 2010, 72)

Reference List:

Allende, Isabel. 2010. Island Beneath the Sea: A Novel. Translated by Margaret Sayers Peden. New York: Harper.

(for editor use Edited by)

Chapter in an Edited Book

In Text:

(Gellately 1993, 45)

Reference List:

Gellately, Robert. 1993. “Enforcing Racial Policy in Nazi Germany.” In Reevaluating the Third Reich, edited by Thomas Childers and Jane Caplan, 42-65. New York: Holmes & Meier.

Reprint  Editions

(Original date and reprint date)

In Text:

(Milligan [1929] 1970, 51)

Reference List:

Milligan, Lambdin P. (1929) 1970. The Milligan Case. Edited by Samuel Klaus. Reprint, New York: Da Capo Press.

Online Book (E-Book)

In Text:

(Mee and Fallon 2010, 189)

Reference List:

Mee, Jon, and David Fallon. 2010. Romanticism and Revolution: A Reader.  Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. /FullRecord.aspx?p=644962.

Article in a print journal

In Text:

(Rutkoff and Scott 1983, 187-88)

Reference List:

Rutkoff, Peter M., and William B. Scott. 1983. “The French in New York – Resistance   and Structure.” Social Research 50(1):185-215.

Online Journal Article

In Text:

(Olbrys Gencarella 2007, 273)

Reference List:

Olbrys Gencarella, Stephen. 2007. “Touring History: Guidebooks and the Commodification of the   Salem Witch Trials.” Journal of American Culture 30:271-84. doi:10.1111/j.1542-734X.2007.00556.x.

Online or Print Magazine Article

In Text:

(Gordon 2003, 78)

Reference List:

Gordon, Devin. 2003. “Our Life as a House.” Newsweek, October 27, 78-82.

Online or Print Newspaper Article

In Text :

(Jakarta Post, May 5, 1970).

Reference List:

Burhanuddin, Amin. 1970. “4 Islamic  State Students Killed by Troops.” New Jakarta Post, May 5, 1.

Master’s Thesis or Doctoral Dissertation

In Text:

(Herawati 2013, 42)

Reference List:

Herawati, Andi. 2013. “Knowing God through knowing the Self.”  Master’s Thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Islam Sadra.


In Text:

(Jack 2010)

Reference List:

Jack, Joe. 2010. “Sasquatch: The Cowichan People Gave Him the Name „Thumquas‟.” Coast Salish History. Last modified January 30.

Primary Document from an Academic Website

In Text:

(Elizabeth 1863)

Reference List:

Elizabeth. 1863. Memoir of Old Elizabeth, a Coloured Woman. Documenting the American South, University Library, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004.

Blog entry or comment

In Text:

(Sauerwein 2010)

Reference List:

Sauerwein, Daniel. 2010. “Historians Uncover New Abraham Lincoln Records.” Civil War History Blog, February 10. historians-uncover-new-abrahamlincoln-records/.

Application Example

In Text: 

Tasawwuf, shufism or mysticism in Islam are often highlighted as a strange and unusual phenomenon. It is described in it teachings, events and behavior that are almost always abstruse and sometimes irrational (Abduh 2017, 21).


Abduh, Muhammad Arrafie. 2017. “Nuansa Shufistik dalam Gerakan Ikhwan Al-Shafa` dan Ikhwan Al-Muslimin.” Al-Fikra : Jurnal Ilmiah Keislaman 5 (1): 101–16.